Special Collection on Goa

Accession No.TitleAuthorCall No.
2737Politics & Political Leadership In Goa Esteves, Sarto954.78 EST/POL
3442District Planning & Panchayati Raj Thakur, Devendra352.0072 THA/DIS
3826Gram-Panchayats In Goa : A Critical Study Halarnakar, T.D.352.00722 HAL/GRA
3827Goa's External Relations Shirodkar, P.P.327.54799 SHI/GOA
400730 Years Of Economic Development 1961-1991 330.9 GCC/THI
407DGoa: Economy in figures - 1998 Govt. of Goa315.4799 GOA
408DState of Goa indicators of socio economic development 1998 315.4799 STA
4778Statistical Outline Of India 1994-95 315.4 STA
500DStatistical handbook of Goa 1998 - 99 315.478 STA
515DState of Goa indicators of socio-economic development - 1995 Govt. of Goa315.478 STA
5681Techno-Economic Survey of Goa, Daman & Diu 338.954799 TEC
5753Gram-Panchayats In Goa : A Critical Study Halarnakar, T.D.352.00722 HAL/GRA
6105Cabinet Govt. In Goa Fernandes, Aureliano321.8043 FER/CAB
6840Statistical Pocket Book Of Goa - 1993-94 315.4 STA
6842Demographic Transition In Goa & Its Policy Implications Panandiker, V.A. Pai315.4 PAN/DEM
6847Discoveries, Missionary Expansion And Asian Cultures Desouza Teotonio R275 DES/DIS
6859Gram-Panchayats In Goa : A Critical Study Halarnakar, T.D.352.00722 HAL/GRA
9089Statistical Hand Book of Goa 2000 315.4 STA
10933Beyond The Self : Santa Casa da Misericordia de Goa Da Silva Fatima Gracias255.97 DAS/BEY
1167DGoa industrial development corporation 338.9 GOA
1358DProceeding of state level seminar human rights and environment 001.4205 HUM
1547DGoa value added tax manual Verlekar, V. B. Prabhu336.2714 VER/GOA
15674The Saraswats Keni, Chandrakant305.6945 KEN/SAR
17880The Goa Inquisition Priolkar, Anant Kakba272.2 PRI/GOA
21192Between Empires : Print and Politics in Goa Pinto, Rochelle320.954 PIN/BET
21204Being A Goan Christian : The Politics of Identity , Rift and Synthesis Ferrao, Victor260.954799 FER/BEI
21206As Dear As Salt : The story of Neglect and Decay in a Traditional Occupation in Goa Sequeira, Reyna338.4766441 SEQ/AS
21210Goa - Found And Imagined : Possibilities, Potentials, Tips and Tools. Royal Institute of Art338.95478 ROY/GOA
21211Passion in Paradise : Modern Day Catholicism in Goa Fernandes, Christina282.095478 FER/PAS
21212Economics of the Tobacco Monopolies in Goa, 1674-1856 Pinto, Celsa330.95478 PIN/ECO
21214Tarini and Tar- Vir Kamat, Pratima Prabhakar294.509548 KAM/TAR
21216Matanhy Saldanha The Legend ( Hero Of The Subaltern Sawant 'Wadkar', Santosh S.333.72092 SAW/MAT
21220Those Were The Days D'Cunha, Cyril309.154799 DCU/THO
21489The Heroic: Saint Francis Xavier Lobo, Patrick J.266.2092 LOB/HER
21490Soaring Spirit : 450 years of Margao's Espirito Santo Church (1565-2015 Faleiro, Valmiki275.4799 FAL/SOA
21496Community,Memory, and Migration in a Globalizing World: The Goan Experience, c. 1890-1980 Frenz, Margret304.8267605478 FRE/COM
22108Refiguring Goa : From trading post to tourism destination Trichur, Raghuraman S.303.482 TRI/REF
22109Hindu – Catholic Engagements in Goa Henn, Alexander261.2450955 HEN/HIN
22123Bomoicar: Stories of Bombay Goans 1920-1980 Martins, Reena305.8009 MAR/BOM
22618Numinous Goa Costa, Luciano306.1 COS/NUM
22868Cozinha De Goa: History and Tradition of Goan Food Gracias, Fatima De Silva305.80095478 GRA/COZ
22989Mass communication in Goa Peres, Menino302.230954799 PER/MAS
23146Texts, tomes and treasures: The evolution of Goa's public livrarid (1832 -2005 Rodriques, Maria Pia de Menezes27.454799 ROD/TEX
23149Muslim history and heritage of Goa Sakhardande, Prajal305.800954799 SAK/MUS
2315050 years of panchayati raj in Goa: Retrospect and prospects Shringer, Alaknanda352.009548 SHR/YEA
2378uGoa Infrastructure Report Goa Chamber Of Commerce & Industry352.34 GOA/GOA
2379uGoa Vision 2035 Goa Chamber Of Commerce & Industry352.34 GOA/GOA
122DKesarval Wagh, Jagdish631.7 WAG/KES
3178The Industrial & Commercial Dictionary of Goa 1990 380.0294 IND
364DThe rape of Goa Ferdinand, Patrick822 FER/RAP
4624Fish Curry & Rice 915.4799 FIS
5258The Book Of Hindu Festivals & Ceremonies Bahadur, Om Lata394.4 BHA/BOO
5290The Industrial & Commercial Dictionary of Goa 1995 380.0254 IND
660DWelfare schemes for the people of Goa
6844People Of India Goa - Vol : xxi Singh, K.S.915.4 SIN/PEO
6848Kaleidoscope Of Women In Goa Da Silva, Gracias Fatima390.0954799 DAS/KAL
6857Goa : Guide With Map 915.4799 GOA
685DTourism in Goa: Problems and propects 910.4 TOU
6863Goa Maps With Yellow Pages 912 GOA
6864100 Easy-to-Make Goan Dishes Fernandes, Jennifer641.59 FER/100
706DTourism in Goa: Problems and propects 910.4 TOU
9808Friday Balcao 361.005 FRI
10773Mangoes Of Goan Origin With Propagation & Culture Dhandar, D.G.634.655 DHA/MAN
10774Spices Production Technology Korikanthimath, V.S.633.8 KOR/SPI
12607How To Be An Instant Goan Frenandes, Valentino390.09 FER/HOW
1261DFolk dances of Goa Khedekar, Vinayak Vishnu793.31 KHE/FOL
14561Goa Latest Map 912 GOA
15301Goa Agenda : Goa Infrastructure Report Goa Chamber Of Commerce & Industry380.02 GCCI/GOA
1768uUndra Muja mama: Folk songs of Goa an anthology of dulpods Pereira, Jose; Martains, Micael782.42 PER/UND
21189Goa : Folklore Studies Phaldesai, Pandurang398.0954 PHA/GOA
21217Women's Health in Goa : A Holistic Approach Desouza, Shaila362.1082095 DES/WOM
21225Shell Windows : Short Stories from Goa Fundacao Oriente-Goa823.0108955 FUN/SHE
21486One for the Road: Role of alcohol in Goan Society Pereira, Biula v. Cruz e363.125141 PER/ONE
21488Abolim: The flower songs, folk tales and legends of Goa Rodrigues, Lucio398.209548 ROD/ABO
21491Coconut Fronds: Short Stories from Goa Oriente Fundacao823.1 FUN/COC
21494Teresa's Man: And Other stories from Goa Mauzo, Damodar891.4693 MAU/TER
21501Shaping the World Stopping it from Going to Sleep: The Novel of Salman Rusduie Rocha, Prema A.809.034 ROC/SHA
21513Portuguese and their Artillery in India - Goa Ambekar, Abhijit S.355.822 AMB/POR
21514Markets of Goa Kulkarni, Assavari770.0954799 KUL/MAR
22127Birds of Goa Grewal, Bikram598.09547 GRE/BIR
22130O to be in Goa.... Today Alexyz741.5954799 ALE/GOA
22138Lengthening Shadows -2 Castro, Paul Melo823.1 CAS/LEN (2)
22141Stray Mango Branches : And other story with Goa Noronha, Fatima823.1 NOR/STR
221421000 Kilograms of Goa Govenkar, Rohan823.1 GOV/1000
22147A Culinary Escapades of Goa Mascarenhas, Odette647.955 MAS/CUL
22398Fish Curry And Rice Alvares, Claude363.009548 ALU/FIS
22617Natural Heritage of Goa Kerkar, Rajendra508.55 KER/NAT
22659Konkani Literature in Roman Script : A Brief History Gomes, Olivinho891.47 GOM/KON
22709A photographic guide to butterflies of Goa Rangnekar, Parag595.789054799 RAN/PHO
22875Justice at the Grossroots: A tribute to Antonio Francisco Fernandes leader of Goa Trible Communities Fernandes, Cyril Aleixo361.24092 FER/JUS
22977A taste of sea food Coutinho, Beryl Vieira641.5954799 COU/TAS
22988The many lives of Vamona Navelcar Navelcar, Vamona708.954799 NAV/MAN
23147Mapusa: Yesterday and today - A reminiscent tour Fernandes, Domnic P. F.915.478 FER/MAP
23151Goa travels: Being the accounts of travellers from the 16 to the 21 century Shetty, Manohar915.47804 SHE/GOA
23289Wild flowers of Goa Parab, Bhiva P.581.954799 PAR/WIL
23845Management practices in select micro, small and medium enterprises in Goa Gawas, Namdev M. 658.022 GAW/MAN
2395uEnvironment & Development : Goa at Crossroad Sonak, Sangeeta M.577.095478 SON/ENV
46uProfiles of eminent Goans: Past and present Vaz, J. Clement920.02 VAZ/PRO
47uKaleidoscope of women in Goa 1510 Da Silva Gracias, Fatima954.799 DAS/KAL
48uGoa and Portugal: Their cultural links Borges, Charles J.; Feldmann, Helmut954.799 BOR/GOA
520Portuguese India In The Mind-Seventeenth Century Boxer, C.R.954.025 BOX/POR
1000Great Goans - Vol : l Esa Mario Cabral921 ESA/GRE
205DGoa Daman and Diu: Silver jubilee celebration 1961- 1986 Directorate of planning statistics and evaluation, Panaji954.799 DPSE/GOA
206DGoa Daman and Diu: Silver jubilee celebration 1961- 1986 Directorate of planning statistics and evaluation, Panaji954.799 DPSE/GOA
226DGoa: Land and people Department of information and publicity954.799 DIP/GOA
416DThe transforming of Goa Dantas, Norman (ed.954.799 DAN/TRA
4625Goa Concepts & Misconcepts Angle, Prabhakar S.954.78 ANG/GOA
5276Goa : The Rough Guide Abram, David954.78 ABR/GOA
5358Goa E Sa , Mario Cabral954.78 E SA/GOA
6843Legends of Goa Esa Mario Cabral954.78 ESA/LEG
6845Goa To Me De Souza Teotonio R.954.78 DES/GOA
6846An Historical Sketch Of Goa De Kloguen, Denis L. Cottineau954.78 DE K/HIS
6853Personalities 1996 Goa Who Is Who In The Future Vieira, Gil Bastos920 VIE/PER
7362My Goa : An Autobiography Faleiro, Luizinho923 FAL/MY
8731Goa : An Economic Update Angle, Prabhakar S.954.78 ANG/GOA
10161Redefining Horizons Esa Mario Cabral954.78 ESA/RED
10826My Village- My Sacred Land Hazare, Anna920 HAZ/MY
10936Goa Through The Ages - Vol : ll DeSouza, Teotonio R.954.78 DES/GOA
1103uGoa: A daughter's story Couto, Maria Aurora920 COU/GOA
11189Goa - A Daughter's Story Couto, Maria Aurora920 COU/GOA
12567Goa Pearl Of The Orient Arya, R.P.954.78 ARY/GOA
13812Governors' Addresses To Goa Legislature Kothandaraman, R.920 KOT/GOV
14643Goencho Saib Narayan, Rajan920 NAR/GOE
15679The Hindu Of Goa & The Portuguese Republic (1922 De Noronha, Antonio954.78 DE N/HIN
15690Remembering Goa Da Costa, Rodrigues Maria De Lourdes920 DAC/REM
15841Goa Simoes', Frank920 SIM/GOA
15856The Many Faces Of Sundorem : Women in Goa Da Silva,Gracias Fatima954.78 DA S/MAN
15888Goa, And The Blue Mountains; Or, Six Months Of Sick Leave Burton, Richard F.920 BUR/GOA
15889An Historical & Archaeological Sketch Of The City Of Goa Da Fonseca, Jose Nicolau954.78 DAF/HIS
15890The Portuguese In India Vol:1 Danvers frederick Charles954.78 DAN/POR
17156From Goa To Patagonia De Mello, Alfredo F.920 DEM/FRO
17838Abbe Faria:The Life of a Pioneer Indian Hypnotist & His Impact on Hypnosis Vas, Luis S.R.920 VAS/ABB
21485Globalising Goa (1660-1820) Change and Exchange in a Former Capital of Empire Carreira, Ernestine954.78 CAR/GLO
21493Faces of Colonial India: The Work Of Goan Artist Antonio Xavier De Trindade Gracias, Fatima De Silva927.598478 GRA/FAC
22873Homeward Bound: Anju & Ivy D' Souza and the story of early 20 century Goan migrants D'Souza, Aloysius920.1095478 DSO/HOM
23144Stars next door Fernandes, Cyprian920.02 FER/STA
818Village Goa Gomes, Olivinho J.F.954.78 GOM/VIL
1060Goan Society Through The Ages Shastry, B.S.954.78 SHA/GOA
138uFaces of Goa Larsen, Karin954.799 LAR/FAC
1760Politics & Political Leadership In Goa Esteves, Sarto954.78 EST/POL
2047The liberation of Goa: A participant's view of history Gaitonde, P. D.954.78 GAI/LIB
227DCarambolim State Wild Life Advisory Board954.799 SWAB/CAR
3488Inside Goa Malgonkar, Nanohar954.78 MAL/INS
417DGovapuri-April-June 99 954.799 GOV
418DGovapuri-July-Sept. 99 954.799 GOV
4652Window On Goa : A History & Guide Hall, Maurice954.78 HAL/WIN
4687Goa Richards, J.M.954.78 RIC/GOA
478DGovapuri January - March 2000 954.799 GOV
6839Goa Remembered Pereira, Angelo954.78 PER/GOA
6841Society In Goa Phal, S.R.954.78 PHA/SOC
6849Goa Wine Freedom Ali, B. Sheik954.78 GOA
6854Goa-Vol : l - Hindu Temples & Deities Pereira, Rui Gomes954.78 PER/GOA
6856Goa : The Rome of the Orient Mowli, V. Chandra954.78 MOW/GOA
6861Goa : Into The Mainstream Saksena, R.N.954.78 SAK/GOA
6870Goa's Loosing Heritage Naik, Satyavan Krishna954.78 NAI/GOA
7549Govapuri 954.78 GOV
7557Saraswata In Goa & Beyond Keni, Chandrakant954.78 KEN/SAR
7588Farar Far (Croddfire): Local Resistance To Colonial Hegemony In Goa, 1510-1912 Kamat, Pratima954.78 KAM/FAR
879DGoa su-raj party’s: Road map for Goa 954.79 GOA
9321Discovering Goa Gantzer, Colleen954.78 GAN/DIS
9740Goa Indica Sinha, Arun954.78 SIN/GOA
14570Kaleidoscopic Goa Phaldesai, Pandurang954.78 PHA/KAL
14644Goa On a Cycle Gore, Rajneesh654.78 GOR/GOA
15646Goa's Freedom Struggle Rebelo, Soraya954.78 REB/GOA
15649Goa Of Sun 'N Sand Rodriguez, Valerie954.78 ROD/GOA
15689Goa... Goan... Goaing... Gone...? Fernandes, Alex Raphael954.78 FER/GOA
15691100 Goan Experiences Fernandes, Pantaleao954.78 FER/HUN
15892Goa : Aparanta - Land Beyond The End Salgaocar Dattaraj V.954.78 SAL/GOA
21205The Tulsi and the Cross : Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter in Goa Perez, Rosa Maria954.78 PER/THE
21209Triumph Of Secularism : Battle of the Opinion Poll in Goa Narayan, Rajan D'Cruz, Sharon954.78 NAR/TRI
21218In And Around Old Goa Pandit, Heta954.78 PAN/IN
22107Indias First Democratic Revoluation Parobo, Parag D.954.78 PAR/IND
22126Goa Roadmap to Growth Peres, Menino954.78 PER/GOA
22616Portuguese Sea Forts Goa with Chaul, Korlai & Vasai Kanekar, Amita954.78 KAN/POR
22869Slaves of Sultans Machado, Alan954.78 MAC/SLA
23713Resurgent Goa: Goan society from 1900 – 1961 Kamat, Varsha 954.78 KAM/RES
140uConversion , continuity and change Robinson, Rowena 954.799 ROB/CON
2731Goa's Struggle For Freedom Sirodkar, P.P.954.78 SHI/GOA
414DThe construction of a political community - Integration and identity in Goa Rubinoff, Arthur G.954.799 ROB/CON
4189Goa: A Social History Xavier, P. D.954.78 XAV/GOA
597DKnow our shore: Goa Untaula, A.G.954.79 UNT/KNO
7782Calangute In Search Of Sands D'Souza, Carmo954.799 D'SO/CAL
8504Goa : An Economic Update Angle, Prabhakar S.954.799 ANG/GOA
1264DA consise history of Goa Gomes, Olivinho J.F.954.79 GOM/CON
1535DHistory of Cuncolim Dalvi, Lingu R.954.79 DAL/HIS
1612uGoa remembered Fernandes, Pantoteao954.79 FER/GOA
17014The Cultural History of Goa Dhume, Anant Ramkrishna Sinai954.79 DHU/CUL
17837Assessing Urban Governance : Goa Citizens Report Card On Public Services Fernandes, Aureliano954.79 FER/ASS
17847Into The Diaspora Wilderness Carvalho Selma954.79 CAR/INT
1784uGoa and Portugal: History and development Borges, Charles J.; Pereira, Oscar954.79 BOR/GOA
17853Another Goa Noronha, Frederick954.79 NOR/ANO
17864The Kadambas of Goa Kadamb, S.G.954.79 KAD/KAD
17869Medieval Goa : A Socio-economic history DeSouza, Teotonio R.954.79 DES/MED
17873Assessing Urban Governance : Goa Citizens Report Card On Public Services Fernandes, Aureliano954.79 FER/ASS
1827uGoa.. waits for you 954.79 GOA
20111The Tulsi And The Cross Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter in Goa Perez Rosa Maria954.79 PER/TUL
21213Essays In Goan History De Souza, Teotonio R.954.799 DE/ESS
21221A Revolt Of The Natives Of Goa, 1787: The Forgotten Martyrs Pinto, Celsa954.799 PIN/ARE
21223Conversions and citizenry: Goa under Portugal 1510 - 1610 De Mendonca, Delio954.799 DE/CON
21226Goa and Portugal: History and development Borges, Charles J.954.799 BOR/GOA
22124Village Anjuna : Vignettes from Goa Fernandes, Domnic P.F954.799 FER/VIL
22128A Railway Runs Through Carvalho, Selma967.62 CAR/RAI
22129On the Spice Trail :Euroe Discovers India In Goa Velinkar, Joseph954.798 VEL/SPI
22870Anatomy of a Colonial Capital Panjim Pinto, Celsa954.799 PIN/ANA
23142Goan anthropology: Mother, miracles and mythology Newman, Roberts S.954.799 NEW/GOA
23143Goan anthropology: Festivals, films and fish Newman, Roberts S.954.799 NEW/GOA
23145Unravelling history: The village of Arossim Goa D' Silva, Themistocles954.799 DSI/UNI
23152Goa history and culture Braganza, Alfred F.954.799 BRA/GOA
23154Divar: The iconic island of Goa Dourada Albuquerque, Jose F. F.954.799 ALB/DIV
23259The golden age of Goa Fjeld, Ivar954.799 FJE/GOL
23260Goa's freedom struggle Menezes, Juliao954.799 MEN/GOA
23312Goa: looking back, looking forward Gahloth, Brijpal954.799 GAH/GOA
23414The Kadambas of Goa and their inscription Shantakumari, S. L.954.799 SHA/KAD