- Personal Assistance: In case of difficulty in locating books, assistance may be requested from Library staff.
- Physically Challenged Students: Separate seating is available in the Library for physically challenged students. If they do not wish to come to Library, books can be issued / returned through their classmates. Books can also be requested to be delivered to the class.
- Automated Library: Library is using Koha Library Management System (LMS). All books are bar coded and issues and returns are automated. The Library catalogue can be viewed in campus and outside the campus. Library visits (walk-in/out) is also automated.
- Open Access: Users may visit the book stacks and take required book for lending or reference.
- Circulation / Lending Service: Books are issued for home reading for a period of seven days against Library card.
- Renewal: If there is no demand for a particular book, request can be made for renewing the book again. Maximum two consecutive renewals are allowed.
- Reference Service: Books, journals, magazines and newspaper can be read in reference section by producing reference card. Students should not keep books back in the cupboard after reference. Always return books to the Library staff.
- Overnight Book Lending Service: Students who are unable to complete their reference work by the close of Library time (i.e.5 pm) may take the book on reference card. Books taken home for overnight reading shall be returned to the Library the next day before/during interval. Failure to return the book will treated as late by one day and fined ₹. 10/-. Sundays / holidays will also be included in calculation of fines.
- Referral Service: Students can consult Librarian regarding the availability of books in other Libraries.
- Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC): Users can access the bibliographic information of books on Library OPAC.
- Online Library Service: Institutional Repository consisting of question papers, syllabus, press clippings and college publications is available on-line on Library website
- Reprographic (Xerox) Service: Will be open from 8:30 am to 1 pm and 2 pm to 4:30 pm. ₹. 1/- will be charged per copy (A-4/legal).
- Printing: Free printout facility (with limit of 5 pages is allowed to a student per week) is provided to students to assist them in academic activities. Student need to bring their own A-4/legal paper.
- Free Internet: 30 minutes free internet browsing and downloading is available for students per session. Unlimited usage is allowed when there is no demand for internet from other users.